View Profile Andrew-Traviss

19 Game Reviews

4 w/ Responses

Still too easy

Massed archers still rule the field, as in Invasion 2. Only difference is that now it's safer to launch a horde of Infantry on their tails. Un-upgraded infantry at that, since you don't want them moving fast, which is a very cheap solution at higher levels.

It' still far, far too easy. Increasing the number of arrows coming from the defenders at each level was a good idea, but it didn't work out very well. Either reduce the range of archers or reduce their damage more.

The new animation is excellent.

Don't use the function keys for anything in Flash. Many browsers reserve them for other purposes.

All things considered, however, it's noticeably better than the previous one. I'd suggest making another and doing a lot more testing for unit imbalances.

Slightly better

The game is still far too easy. Massed archers don't work, but now massed Infantry does. Also, rams are underpowered for their cost. At the moment, my suggestion for making the game more difficult is to retain troops that were deployed and survived, and drastically reduce the amount of gold gained per level. This forces people to minimize casualties.

I think that at higher levels, you should add other obstacles that need to be brought down, not just the castle walls. Forward outposts and such, maybe.

You should do some more playtesting yourself before the next version. The mass infantry thing was obvious from the start.


I guess I could make some towers on the map with individual defenses.

Mediocre at best

1. It's FAR too easy. Every level can be beaten by sending a continuous stream of archers, and once you've upgraded enough times, it's impossible to send all of them before the castle dies.

2. Infantry are worthless. Archers can only be picked off one at a time, and with less than 100% accuracy. Infantry have to survive the journey to the wall, first of all, and then get wiped out periodically at the wall, and that can't miss.

Never got to try the other units. After I beat Level 10 in about 15 second, I quit.

Given that the graphics and style aren't enough to compensate for the terrible gameplay, I can't rate this very high at all.


You'll get less money in Version 2, so upgrades won't be so plentiful, and you'll have smaller armies. The upgrades will be weaker, as well.

In Version 2, the murder holes can only take out one person per hit.

Not bad, but it needs work

The general gameplay mecahnics are pretty good, though the difficulty curve is a bit off, after about 3 or 4 levels, I was upgraded far enough that my regular pistol killed tanks in 2 shots, and the only thing that took much effort at all to destroy was the spawners.

Also, the variety of enemies is very very low. 4? I don't think that qualifies as lots of monsters. If you're going to have a game that people can play hundreds of levels of, I think that you really need more than 4 enemies to make it work well. I mean, even giving the marines a random armament would improve things, give the occasional one a shotgun or something.

I realize that this is supposed to be a demo, but maybe you should provide a list of what's different in the full version?

Almost perfect, but not quite

As mentioned before by others, Knuckles is unable to glide and such. Also, you are supposed to have a period of invincibility after you are injured, so that if you bounce off of an enemy onto spikes, you don't die instantly, or bounce off of spikes onto more spikes. Also I ran into some collision bugs here and there.

Other than that I have to hand it to you, this is a great reproduction of the original games.


Hahaha, I was only going to give this a 4, but then it made me laugh so much, so I upped it to a 5. Good job, man.

Not bad

Controls are a bit sketchy, but you did a good job on the slipping around on ice effect. Much better than many other Flash games that I've seen.

And hey, I liked the music for Project X. I chose it because I liked it, not because it was small. The fact that it was small was a bonus. To each his own, though. Glad you liked the rest of the game :)

Looks like you've got some potential. If you want a few pointers on how to improve your skills a bit, feel free to drop me a line, I can always spare a few minutes to answer questions and stuff for someone who's willing to put in some effort on their own.

Nice work

This is very well done. I can tell that it's unfinished, because everything that you have done is very well polished, and I can see where it is a work in progress, and not so well polished. I'm sure the finished product will be a much smoother play. I can't wait to see the finished version.

Show me a useful cat, and I will show you that it is in fact a small dog.

Andrew Traviss @Andrew-Traviss

Age 42, Male

Software Developer

Toronto, ON, Canada

Joined on 11/23/02

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